No matter how diligent we are, things like safe lockouts can happen to the best of us. A safe in your home or business is an excellent way to secure your valuables and important documents. However, you are in serious trouble if you lose the key to the safe or forget the combination. Losing access to your home safe or business safe can be downright frustrating. Among the last things you want to do in such a situation is an attempt to push it open. Here are some helpful tips when dealing with safe lockouts.

Tips on How to Deal With Safe Lockouts

Safe Lockouts: What to Do

Try replacing the batteries

You may be surprised to know that safes can be battery-powered. When the batteries run out, the electronic keypad will not function. If the keypad has no power, you can use the override key with the safe to manually unlock the safe instead of entering the PIN or passcode. If you have no access to the override key, replace or recharge the batteries that power the safe’s electronic keypad so you can enter the passcode.

Retrieve the combination from the manufacturer’s combination card

If you own a combination-locked safe, it should come with a card in the manual with the original combination. You should have kept the combination card safe for situations like this. If you do not have it, you can ask the manufacturer to furnish you with the original combination after you provide documentation that you are the legal owner of the safe.

Wait out the lockout time

The lock on your safe will become temporarily disabled for some time if you put in the wrong combination several times. Wait for the lockout code to reset and release itself. The lockout time depends on the safe model — it takes 20 minutes for some models to reset, while others may take a bit longer. While waiting for the safe to reset, ensure you have the correct passcode.

Safe Lockouts: What Not to Do

Do not tamper with the safe’s security 

Safes are built with security features that keep them secure. They may seem simple to use, but safe cracking is trickier and more complex than how you see it in movies. For example, force opening one without the key could damage the locking mechanism and make it harder to get inside. In addition, some safes lock themselves down after you enter the wrong code thrice.

Do not disassemble the unit’s wiring

If you think taking the wires apart will help you get access to your safe, you have got another thing coming. Safes are equipped with a manual lockout mechanism when the wiring is cut. Undoing the wire will trigger the manual lockout, leaving your safe useless and vulnerable.

Do not drill into your locked safe

Despite what you may have seen in films or on television, drilling your way into your safe is hard and dangerous. For one, electric drills can be dangerous if not handled carefully. A sharp, flying piece of metal can land in your eye. Furthermore, drilling through the safe’s hard plate can be very bad for your shoulders, back, and neck. Furthermore, safes are expensive, and drilling into them damages and makes them unusable.

Safe Locksmith Near Me

If all else fails, there is only one thing left for you to do — contact a safe repair Los Angeles specialist. At Sherman Oaks Lock & Safe, our professional locksmiths are specially trained in cracking safes. We have the knowledge and tools to get into your safe without damaging it. We also provide safe installation Los Angeles services. Call us for more information!

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