A car owner from Los Angeles, CA, called Sherman Oaks Lock & Safe requesting a Mercedes Benz car key replacement for his pre-owned car. Earlier that day, they called the nearest local authorized Mercedes-Benz dealership to report a lost key fob and that they had no spare key. The dealership notified them to go to the site and personally ask for a replacement. However, it was inconvenient to do that since they were in the middle of an out-of-town conference. Therefore, we asked for their personal information and current location for our team to respond immediately. We were fortunate to have the same model of key fob for a 2015 Mercedes Benz C-Class. We delivered the car key replacement in less than an hour after checking all the ownership documents and identification. The client was relieved having hired us to replace their lost key fob in no time.
It was not that long ago that losing or, even worse, misplacing your car keys was not a significant concern. However, cars have become more technologically sophisticated, so have their keys, and getting new ones can now be more expensive than ever.
What to Do If You Lose Your Car Keys
It may take several steps and cost several hundred dollars to replace a lost or stolen key, depending on the model and year of the car you drive. If you do not have a spare car key, get one copied by an expert locksmith like Sherman Oaks Lock & Safe and store it safely.
Listed are the common types of automobile keys and advice on what to do if yours were lost or stolen.
Traditional Car Key
You can start your car by inserting the industry-standard key into the ignition cylinder and turning it.
If you misplace it, you can call a locksmith, who will be able to give you a new key right away. However, a locksmith might not be able to help in some situations, such as with a unique or vintage automobile. Therefore, you may need to purchase a new ignition lock cylinder and key from the dealer or an authorized repair shop.
Transponder Key
In the early to mid-1990s, auto manufacturers developed transponders as a superior anti-theft tool. Transponders are ignition keys with a plastic head with a computer chip implanted. They require a wireless link between your key and the vehicle to enable the ignition.
If you lose it, you will need to have your car towed to the dealership and present ownership documentation to buy a new key if you do not have a backup key. The replacement computer chip will then need to be electronically paired with your car by the dealer (if one needs to be ordered, the wait time could be several days). The replacement key and towing fees will cost you a couple of hundred dollars.
Car Key Fob
The earlier fobs were accessories designed for the convenience of locking and unlocking your vehicle. However, it would be best if you still had a standard key to start the car. The doors can be opened using the key as well.
If you misplace your key fob, you are still good to go if you only lose the fob. You can still start your car and unlock it with your key. Fobs are easily programmable and generally accessible as aftermarket items; no special tool is required. They are available online, through auto parts retailers, and at dealerships. Additionally, they are more affordable, depending on your car model.
Smart Key
A smart key, also called keyless ignition, is connected to cars with a start button on the dashboard. Smart-key technology uses a proximity sensor in the car vehicle to detect when the smart key, a pair of connected sensors rather than a key, is nearby. After that, the car unlocks and can start by pressing a button.
If you lose your smart key and do not have a backup key, you will need to tow your car to the dealership, where you can order one (if the shop does not have one in stock) and have it matched to your vehicle. These keys are the most expensive to replace.
At Sherman Oaks Lock & Safe, we know that losing your car keys can be a hassle. That is why we offer a wide range of car key replacement services that will help you get back on the road in no time. We will replace your old car key with a brand new one, or if you require a key fob replacement or key fob programming, our expert locksmith can do it all for you! So do not wait any longer! Call us today and lock and unlock your car with ease.